Animal Spirit Guides

All animals, great and small, carry deep intelligence and wisdom which can help us in many areas of our lives. An animal Spirit Guide is the conscious energetic print of this intelligence and knowing and there are many Animal Spirit Guides who come and accompany us throughout our life here on Earth. These animals can help us to deepen our understanding, help us through transitioning stages of our lives, bring different perspectives to the way we view ourselves and others and so much more.


In this session you will be introduced your Animal Spirit Guide and given guidance and techniques to develop a relationship with it. Forming a strong relationship with our Animal Spirit Guide can be life changing when we embrace the knowledge and wisdoms which each animal possesses. It is not about the size of the animal that is important but the medicine it wishes to share with us.


Usu’ra has a wonderful way of creating and holding space for you. Her gentleness and kind and loving nature creates a beautiful space to open and to heal’
— Harcourt, UK